• Exclusive Blended Coffee Beans

    The main purpose of blending is to achieve richer flavor layers, improve acidity, bitterness, sweetness, and balance, ensuring that each cup of coffee offers a unique drinking experience.

    Distillation Extraction

    Aroma extraction is the process of extracting aromatic compounds from plants or other materials, which are typically used in products like food, beverages, perfumes, and spices.


    ILLUSLAB is dedicated to discovering and supporting the new generation of artists. It provides young artists with opportunities for exhibition and creation, cultivating more art talents and promoting the sustainable development of the art industry.

    In addition to focusing on emerging artists, ILLUSLAB also collaborates with experienced artists, bringing their works to more venues such as communities and public spaces for display. This not only expands the reach of artworks, but also makes it more accessible for the general public to appreciate art, attracting more art collectors to participate.

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